Tuesday, July 20, 2010


In my blogs I will normally discuss current topics or new consumer products or anything that may be hot or not. In my first blog however; I would like to post something that happened to me this week at work. I work in sales and have been for the last 10 years. I recently went back to work for the company I started with after a brief hiatus. I had gone to work for another company in the same business type but not a direct competitor. After a year my previous and now current employer asked me to come back and told me to name my stipulations. They could not pay me what I currently was making; so I mentioned that as long as raises and promotions would be made available to me in the future I could make due. We arranged that after a year I would be given an automatic raise in pay and that I would also be made well aware of any promotions that became available. Well this week the year was up, the big boss was in town, and it was time for me to cash in. I let him know of everything that was agreed upon between my direct line of authority and myself and exactly what I was promised. The first question he asks me is "Did you get this in writing?" Well no I didn't; I worked for this company for 8 years before I left. I figured that the company's word was good. I know the jokes on me right. I simply stated to this gentleman that if my requests could not be met that maybe I should find another employer. I mean I did ask about these things before accepting the position. He then began to scream at me about threatening the company and if I could not accept what I had been given; maybe I should find another employer. He called me a liar and a fraud all while the person who made the deal with me tried to explain to him that I was telling the truth. They had promised me everything that I had stated. So anywho a life lesson is learned; if you are going to do business these days make sure you get it in writing. So I ask "Getting the rug pulled out from under you at work" Hot or Not????????

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