Thursday, July 22, 2010


The Statue of Liberty front shot, on Liberty I...Image via Wikipedia
I  recently found myself wondering; in this day and age what exactly is the American dream? When I was a kid in the early 80s growing up in the South; the classic two kids with a dog and a white pickett fence seemed to fit the bill. Today however, that is not the case. Mainstream media and televison shows such as MTV Cribs have painted a much different picture of the American dream. Children now insist on having the best clothes, the best cars, the best cell phones, the best that America has to offer. What happened to just living comfortably and living happily. The added stress that parents feel to meet a lifestyle demand that only a small percent of people can attain can be both mentally stressful and physically demanding. The pressures of living in a recession alone take a big toll on a family budget. The ability to "just make ends meet" is becoming harder and harder for the American family to obtain.
   So why do we see televison shows that tell Americans to buy bigger, live better, put on a good show. Make your neighbors want what you have. Is that really the picture that we want to paint of ourselves. Who are we trying to impress our neighbors or ourselves. What are we trying to prove? Is it better to have it all and worry everyday about losing it? Or having very little with nothing to lose? I believe that the American dream has changed into glitz and glamour. There is no real happiness envolved. So I ask America; what is your American dream?
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